Sunday, September 23, 2007

Do you ever feel like you're being watched?

This weekend, I was sitting on my bed, in a Hopper-esque manner, contemplating my plan for the day, when I got this uncanny feeling someone was watching me.

Then, staring out my window at my neighbor's house you know, the one whose hideous boyfriend revs his harley motorcyle every morning at 4:30AM , and locked eyes with this:

You probably notice that he/she looks like a mini Patches. Dammit. Stop haunting my dreams, kitten.

Lady S swung by for a visit. What a nice day we had! Oh, and just as she was pulling into my driveway, I.... ummmm... finished the LAST SLEEVE. I KNOW! I can't believe it either. This week, I'll be buying a blocking board so we can get this puppy put together. Here's all ze parts:

Patches has pretty much taken over the command center. Notice the permanent cat-dent she's made on the upper right part of the back cushion?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

a little advice

when you are teaching yourself how to knit socks, don't make the mistake of thinking that a baby bootie would be easy, because hey, it's so small, it'll knit up fast! And then you discover that knitting something tiny in the round with double-pointed needles is like, virtually impossible with your Andre the Giant fingers.

And then, you get half the bootie done, and discover that suddenly your knit stitches are showing up as purl, because somehow you've twisted the bootie the wrong way. Because while you were trying to figure out the F***ing pattern, you were transported into an alternate reality that also turned your knitting inside out. Which wasn't a problem before, but now it is.

And then your half-a-bootie is so sad that even the cat won't give it the time of day.


But you know, I don't give up easily. I'll be back.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Her shredding technique is unstoppable

Her ...filing technique leaves a bit to be desired, but when it comes to shredding, you know who to call: