Friday, July 14, 2006

Vintage Sewing Patterns

This is a littel off topic, but it is kind of hard to resist a vintage anything, particularly a sewing pattern! Who wouldn't want to look like they just walked off teh set of a 1940s movie? Check out some of these patterns!

Friday, July 07, 2006

Project List

Some day, I'd like to make.....

"Elspeth" by Rowan (Mag #37)

"Maggie" by Rowan (Mag #31)

This Shrug from Debbie Bliss Simply Soft is nice too.

"Vintage Style"

So last summer I started to work on a lace sweater ("Aimee") from Rowan's "Vintage Style" book. I was planning my wedding, and it helped me to de-stress, but for some reason I put it down, and didn't work on it for months. Oh wait, I know - it's REALLY hard and confusing!!

But my will is strong, and armed with explicit written instructions from my mother, who can interpret rowan-speak, I'm starting again. I was trolling the web, and discovered that this knitter did a beautiful job with it, plus, she has all kinds of kick ass projects to boot.

I'm feeling really scared about when I have to start decreasing for the arm holes. It's totally going to f*** up my pattern, and as it is I can barely keep the right amount of stictches on there. Cross that bridge later.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

After several months of list lurking, I finally went to my first Stitch-n-bitch. I had a nice time ladies! As a matter of fact, I decided this afternoon to devote this dormant blog o' mine to knit-worthy items, and maybe a sprinkling of this and that.

Stay tuned!....