Tuesday, January 29, 2008


A gargoyle has been camping out on top of our laundry machines.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Finished Object!!

Home sick today. I don't know how I managed it, but I caught some kind of viral throat/cold thingy. Not pleasant!

On the bright side, MIT SnBers will be extremely surprised to hear that I actually have a finished object to show off!

This weekend I finished the Debbie Bliss Cross Over Jacket, for Lady S's new baby. I hope it fits the baby, but if not it should make a good sweater for a doll. I posted my comments/critique on my ravelry page, as well as project specs, for those interested.

Rhonda will be pleased to know that I am seaming my lace sweater that has been languishing for a while. I'm about halfway done seaming it, and stopped since I'm kind of delirious at the moment!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

ummmm... DO OVER!

I frogged my poll. Check it out.

so I should explain

The reason for my new mini-poll.... I've noticed an abundance of cat references and photos on knitting blogs and ravelry. So far, things are leading to dogs. Very surprising.

I won't be in SnB today... I have to run to whole foods on my lunch break to get the ingredients I need for the annual bake off in my office, which is tomorrow!

This weekend I am determined to finish my secret project, so I can mail it and finally get to some other things, such as seaming my Aimee sweater, and casting on for ice queen.

stay tuned!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

check out my new poll

It's been a while since I polled you.

Tis the season, eh?

scroll to the bottom of my blog for the poll!