Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Getting into a groove

I'm feeling really psyched because I seem to have turned a corner with understanding the Rowan pattern I'm working on. Now that I'm finished with the back, the front has (so far, knock on wood) been a breeze to translate! It takes a lot less effort to sit down and work on it, and I'm procrastinating much less. SnB'ers may NOT have to wait seven tyears, as originally anticipated!

I am fully planning on being at SnB this week. Work has been so busy, and knitting has been a good stress-buster.

I may try to bring in another pattern I want to work on next (also Rowan) for some guidance. There are some cryptic things in there like "K0" and "P0", which I take to mean don't knit any stiches. If so, why the $%^# can't they just say "slip stich"?

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