Friday, February 09, 2007

Interweave Knits!

My first issue arrived in the mail yesterday. How nice is that? It's a quarterly magazine, so I completely forgot it was coming! A lot of the patterns are for bamboo yarn! I had a passing thought of using my gift certificate for Woolcott to buy the yarn for the sweater on the cover page (different color maybe). I fell in love with bamboo yarn on my trip to WEBS recently. It is so soft, and has a beautiful sheen.


TheRev said...

You'd probably have to be careful wearing a bamboo sweater around a panda. He'd eat the thing clear off without any regard to your being toplss in a Chinese jungle, and he'd probably be offended by the taste of the sweater. Man, I never realized how pandas are such jerks.

Bostonworkerbee said...

Yeah, a friend of mine was out to dinner once, and when it was time to pay the bill, the panda she was with got up and went to the restroom. I mean, come on!

Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

Huh? Dating a panda? Knitting with bamboo? Oh ya, I've knit with bamboo yarn. It had a thing for my bamboo needles. ;) Niiiiiice stuff.