Saturday, June 30, 2007

Uh. Muh. Gawd.

I'm really tired. Salem is AWESOME!!!

Our closing went well, and DH and I officially own our place. Which we LOVE.

I'm blogging from the local library, because our place is in such a state of chaos, I don't dare describe it. No phone, no email. Patches thrives on chaos, however. She has a lot more room to roam around.

Long story, short: movers didn't finish unloading until 11PM. Most of heavy furniture cannot fit up our staircase to the 2nd and 3rd floors, so we have some problem solving ahead.

Must. rest.

1 comment:

Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

Oh dear, I take it that you bought an older home with narrow staircases. Near the library perhaps? I'm not far from there myself.

When we moved I thought we had plenty of room until I saw the basement after the movers left [at 9pm] Chaos ruled the day for a loooooong time!

But it gets better. Promise. If you feel like getting away, see ya on Thursday night 6:00 pm at SSFY. ;-)