Monday, October 20, 2008

Palette cleanser

Well, I finished the sweater. I tried it on, and I kind of like it, but it is just a little bit too short, and just a little bit too boxy in the shoulders for my taste. I'll give it some time, but I'm afraid what we have on our hands is yet another sweater I don't want to wear!


I finally used a gift certificate DH gave me for Valentine's, and while I'm waiting for this to arrive, I thought I'd treat myself to a palette cleanser, if you will.

I picked this embroidery up...

Eventually, it should look something like this....

Are you stressed? About the economy? Patches wants you to stop being stressed.

She thinks you should go take a nap. Right nowwwwwwwwwwww....


Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

Maybe you should try a hat, mitten, gloves, socks, or a scarf for a change-of-pace.

Or better yet ... the intermediate crochet class starts February 1st. Check into it next time you're in SSFY. I hope to have the sample of what's to be made (no fitting issues) on display by this Thursday.

TheWantonSeedStitch said...

This is why I'm worried about trying another large item of clothing (sweater or skirt)! I'm going to eventually get that damn zipper onto my cardigan, but even then, it's going to be something I wear to keep warm, not to show off my mad knitting skillz. I hate the way the sleeves fit, but do not want to re-do those bad boys.

I am going to be so anal-retentively careful next time I make a sweater. Like, short rows at the bust, top-down-so-I-can-try-it-on-as-I-go careful. Yeah. And I AM going to do that Intolerable Cruelty skirt. I swear.