Monday, July 23, 2007

Here's what she's been doing

A few of you have inquired as to how Patches is handling the move.

Well, basically, she's become completely feral life is good. There's an abundance of stairs and carpeting, and she has claimed the third floor as her private lair. I mean it... Don't go up there!!

I thought I'd post a few photos of me place, matey:

This used to be an oven once upon a time! It's called a beehive oven. It now contains a litter box, and recycling. How glamorous.

This is how we get in and out.

This is where I over cook the %$#@! chicken. #@!$!

It's like Disneyland, every night at 9PM, a fireworks display goes off. Actually, this is July 4th. But you can see it from our place!!

Gathering strength for nocturnal activities.

1 comment:

Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

What a neat place ... for both Patches and the humans. Love your front door and the beehive oven!

And now I know where I might get a seat to see the fireworks next year ;-) Altho, if it's not raining like this year, down in front of the Custom House is pretty cool!! Meet ya there.