Sunday, August 26, 2007

There goes the neighborhood

A few weekends ago, I was sitting in my living room, minding my own business and I hear the sounds of horses going clip-clop. That can only mean trouble. We've had a LOT of problems with rough gangs of historical re-enacters harrassing the elderly, etc. They get loaded on their sassafrass beer, and roam the streets. It's ghastly. So, I look out my living room window to see this:

Hayrides? Didn't I tell you the world is gone to hell in a hand basket. Well, don't say I didn't warn you.

Idleness also leads to trouble, so MamaBee and I rolled up our sleeves, and made this summer's batch of peach jam.

This weekend, I went up to NH for a friends wedding. The wedding was terrific and I had a great time reconnecting with old friends and swimming in Laurel Lake. I was sad to leave you! I wish I was jumping off the dock right NOW. Safe travels to you all, and I hope we see each other again soon.

A little nonsensical P.S. for a few summercamp friends spotted this weekend who may be lurking:

Howdy Lady S, and The Rev! Hey... that sounds like something out of Smokey and the Bandit. I'll listen for you on the CB, lil' buddies.

and [welcome back] "Mz. Cotter" (pronounced Mizzzzz Caahhhht-TAIR), also occasionally called Jenn. For god's sake, stop lurking and leave a comment, woman!


Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

Funny how hay rides lead right into jam preserves. ;-)

TheRev said...

(ccrrrckk) Breaker 1-9, this is shepherd to lost sheep, over (crrrckk)

Yes, last weekend was a blast! I think all summer weddings should be held next to a lake. Just in case it gets too hot the guests can take a dip. And don't you just love how by the end of the evening all the men had lost their jackets, ties, and shoes?

By the way, I'm close to signing up for a beginners knitting class at the local vo-tech. Wish me luck!

Bostonworkerbee said...

good luck Rev! Once you get the hang of it, I think you'll find knitting is very zen.

By the way, I think "Lost Sheep" would be a great name for a knitting blog. When you're ready, that is.