Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Aimee Sweater - critique

I'm wearing the Aimee Sweater - in public - today. I feel kind of lukewarm about the final product. The douceur et soie brand yarn I used, which is a blend of mohair and silk, is very droopy. Plus, I think I could have gotten away with doing a size smaller. The net result is a sweater that looks/feels kind of baggy to me. I also think its a bit too long. I much prefer things that are fitted.

I might someday try this again, in KSH and a different color. and shoulder pads. HA! just kidding!


TheRev said...

I hope you're prancing around saying "like my sweater? I made it!" and enjoying the oohs and ahhs. That bow would make me self conscious, though. Does it feel like everyone's staring at your crotch?

Bostonworkerbee said...

I have been cornering anyone who will listen.

Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

M-m-m-m, tuck in your shirt and see if it looks shorter. I actually like the fit but the ribbon is too wide maybe. I would have opt for a smaller bow. But I love the peak-a-boo sweater.

Say, if you want me to try it on ...