Friday, February 29, 2008

Ice Queen and other matters

I'm making real progress on Ice Queen. I've been knitting this at home and on the train. The latter can be a bit difficult, so there have been times I've ended a row and discovered too few or too many stitches, and had to increase or decrease to keep the lace pattern correct. Here's a sneak peak:

And a close up:

And how I keep all my beads together:

Pre-beading the yarn is both convenient and a hassle. It's great, because I don't have to worry about spilling beads on the train. However, constantly having to stop, and push the beads down the yarn on the rows I don't use them is a pain, and has created some tangles here and there.

I haven't been at SnB lately, because work has been incredibly busy. I'm barely keeping up with what I need to do. And, matters are complicated by the fact that I have a new job!! That's right! I just accepted a new position at a non-profit in my very own town of Salem. My last day at MIT will be in two weeks.

Things I'll miss about MIT:
My officemate and office friends
Danielle, Femiknit, the Wanton Seed Stitch, and Rhonda the Stitching nut
My iMac and PhotoBooth
Having my own office with a door
A great boss

I'm thrilled about my new job, and my new commute (ten minutes anyone?). I'm looking forward to making news friends there and the exciting work that lies ahead. But all the same, I will really really miss MIT. Change is hard!

I think in the future, Rhonda can expect to see me more often at Seed Stitch!


Danielle said...

Congratulations on the new job (where?) but I'll miss you!

FemiKnitMafia said...

Are you also defecting to the Peabody Essex? I'm bummed. I'll admit it.

Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

Oh I do hope you'll be at SSFY on Thursdays now. If you hear of an admin assistant job or data entry ... well think of me ok? I just might retire early from MIT so I can walk to work. What am I thinking? Me walk?

Congratulations on the new gig. IS it at the Peabody? How cool of it is!

TheRev said...

Hey, wait a minute...

Does that mean you'll have to become Salem Worker Bee?

Bostonworkerbee said...

I have thought about it!

Unknown said...

Congrats on your new job! Can't wait to hear about it...