Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Spring has sprung....

The tomatoes are riz....

Umm... I better call Mom and tell her we're canning tomatoes this summer!

I finally put new batteries in the digital camera. It's been BUSY lately. Winding things down at work, getting ready to gear up for the new job, DH's 40th b-day... Whew!

I did find time to order some seeds. I signed up for a space in the local community garden, but I'm on the waiting list. My neighbors ok'd the idea of putting some plants in our yard though, so these will have a home one way or another. I also broke down and bought a few plants by mail order. Would you like to see...?

Dwarf Banana Tree. Grows to about 3 ft tall, and produces regular sized edible bananas, like you'd find in the grocery store!

Blood Orange Tree. Tastes like a regular orange (the really good ones are more tart)but the flesh is dark purple-red.

Northern Patches. Needs full sun, often grows wild. Difficult to cultivate.


Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

Have you heard this one? "Don't count your tomatoes before they hatch!"

I don't know, that last plant looks pretty well contained. But that's only an impression, I'm sure. LOL

Unknown said...

Oh how I wish you lived closer...I have my lovely enclosed dirt patch that grew into a mass of weeds last summer, I have such a black thumb!(However, I discovered I CAN grow weeds!) Ugh, I need some serious gardening advice...