Monday, February 23, 2009

Feeling rather chuffed.

This Sunday I had a rather nice day. I was quite productive. Not only did I do a bunch of laundry, but I made a nice dinner for me and DH (flu-stricken as he is, poor thing), went to the Library, perused the local junk store hoping to find more interesting objet (found none, alas).... and, oh! I made my own blocking board.

How did you do that, you ask? Well, let me tell you!

How to make a Blocking Board, cheaply:

1. Go to Home Depot, enter Lumber Aisle
2. Ask the guy where the sheets of styrofoam are kept.
3. Purchase a 4' x 8' sheet of 1 1/2" thick styrofoam

[3a. Struggle against the wind, trying to get it to your car without it or you snapping in half
3b. Ignore macho construction guy who makes unhelpful and obvious comments as you try to get across parking lot ("Oooo... that's going to snap.")
3c. Try to fit said foam into car.
3d. Break said foam into 2 or 3 smaller ragged chunks.]

4. Measure and cut styrofoam using your art school tools and gadgets (i.e. 36" metal ruler, mat knife)

5. Cover one side of each blocking board with contact paper (from kitchen aisle at Target).
6. Staple the contact paper in securely in place.
7. Commence blocking! Spritz and spray away! There's contact paper on that sucker, so your board won't get soggy.

What you see here is a finished lace stole, that has been gently soaked in a lavender fiber wash, and pinned out to block and dry. Per pattern instructions, I'm also knitting a beaded loop with elastic inside to use as an optional clasp to hold the stole together when worn. I'm too lazy to take a picture of that right now. All in good time.

Here's a closer look at the zig zag pattern

What you see here is something striped, looking for some trouble.

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