Monday, November 13, 2006

New York.... Part 2

The people demanded it, and we listened. Without further ado, here is part two.

A week ago I didn't know what "mid-town" was, and smiled politely when terms like "upper east-side" were used in my presence. Now I'm throwing the lingo around like I own the place. I can take the A train uptown, and the B train to Brooklyn. Getting around New York is so EAASSSYY! Woo hoooo!

I spent most of our five days in NYC walking around and doing things outside. I spent a lovely day at the Brooklyn Botanical Garden. Autumn leaves and turtles. What could be better?

Here's a short video I took in the Japanese garden.

Ducks and Koi
Brooklyn Botanical Garden

1 comment:

Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

Ha, it looks like the duck is feeding the Koi. I love the fact that you got the sound of kids in the background also.