Monday, January 08, 2007

Command Center - Phase 1

My long awaited knitting "Command Center", as Danielle would describe it, has entered Phase 1.

Thanks to my lovely DH, who gave me a gift card to Bernie & Phyl's for xmas, I was able to purchase this baby over the weekend. Unfortunately, I will have to wait three to five weeks for delivery, and (fingers crossed) they will be able to deliver it through our freakishly narrow doorways.

For those of you familiar with my incomprehensible fear of driving our stick shift toyota on the highways - new frontiers have been pioneered. I drove the stick shift BY MYSELF on I-93 to the furniture store in Braintree this sunday. There was only the sound of the gears shifting and my heart pounding. For those of you who do not live in Massachusetts: I-93, and the section of it called the "Braintree Split", is about as close as one can get to playing "frogger" in real life. Yes, Lady S, this means I will probably not be renting a zipcar everytime I have to drive on the highway now! ;)

1 comment:

Danielle said...

We are looking at the exact same style of furniture, in a dark greeny-olive shade, for our new living room. Hmmm ... we might be twins!