Monday, March 05, 2007

Portrait in badness

Here's Patches, trying to hide her shame from the camera.

Another roll of TP ravaged.


Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

Oh my ... she finally caught the killer toilet-roll feign. That roll isn't going to kick anyone else's butt again, LOL.

TheRev said...

What a good kitty for defending your home so well. And I guess she's looking for a healthy snack in the tote bag rather than breaking into that six-pack of whatever just to her right. That girl needs to spend more time at the PB!

Danielle said...

Hmm, you're going to have to put the TP under lock and key pretty soon ...

Pennsylvania Proud said...

Ah, you can always go back to the Somerville days when TP was a Sara luxury, right? :)