Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Pen Pal

After about a 25 year hiatus, I have picked up the old quill and paper once again. No, I'm not finishing my novel. Although, you'd like that wouldn't you. No, this time I'm writing to a penpal. I think I wrote to my last pal was when I was in the 3rd or 4th grade. She lived in Ireland and was my age. My brother signed me up to be her penpal as a gift, and I remember being pretty psyched about it since I'm half irish.

This has all been organized by a knitting blogger I frequently read.

To those unfortunate people who corresponded with me in high school and college (ummm, Lady S, this means you), please be assured, that the tone of my letter was upbeat, devoid of narcissism (I think), and made no reference to any sort of angst, PAIN, or other types of bleakness.



Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

I just hate my handwriting now and I get a fogged look to my face when I'm faced with a blank piece of paper. But at one time I had 8 pen pals ... England, Canada, Holland, France, Mexico, New Zealand, Phillipines & Sweden. [bet you couldn't have guessed that!] I still write to the one in Holland. Have fun with it!

barefootblogger said...

Can you guess who I am. I am a past victim of your letters (he he).Just kiddin - you are a great pen pal and cassette tape sender extraordinairre!! I still have those tapes in my secret vault, heh heh!

TheRev said...

Um, worker bee? Before you put that letter in the mail you better check where you put that stamp. Unless there's some photoshop magic trick going on, that letter won't get too far with the stamp on the left. Silly pen pal!

Bostonworkerbee said...

if you look closely at the photo, you can see that the writing on the envelope is also backwards. do not provoke me, as I have magical powers. But you already knew that.