Sunday, June 17, 2007

Busy weekend

Didn't this used to be a knitting blog?

Why yes! For the first time in a while, I found the where-with-all to work on my sweater. According to previous posts, I'm on the second sleeve. Quite frankly, it has been so long now, I can't remember! Here's a pic:

I don't want to say too much just yet, but DH and I have made considerable progress on our housing thing. There's still some paperwork to wrap up, but we've begun packing and are getting ready to close on our condo and move to our new home! Mama-Bee and Babbo-Bee came down to help us get rid of an old kitchen cabinet, while DH waited around for the glass repairman. Oh, yeah, some punk smashed our windshield early last Sunday morning.

Mom entertained Patches... or was it the other way around?

Wait, is that our Tabby, or a harbor seal??


Betty Crocker said...

Glad things are moving in good directions on the housing front! I've missed your posts!

Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

Patches looks "pooped" ... clearly moving is a chore best left to Mommy & Daddy!