Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The long wait is nearly over

I've been checking the ravelry waiting list checker for days now, and my long wait is almost over:

You signed up on November 1, 2007
You are #51757 on the list.
1885 people are ahead of you in line.
8252 people are behind you in line.
83% of the list has been invited so far

I think in 2-3 days I should have my invite. Yahoo!

Over the Thanksgiving break I will be:

Home improving
working on a secret-knitting-project-I-can't blog-about yet-lest-I-ruin-the-surprise
working on sweater number two

Oh, by the way, I finished frogging those effing rows I messed up. I think I managed to eff up the frogging as well, because I was off by two stitches at the end. But you know what? It all works out in the end.

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