Friday, November 09, 2007

To frog or not to frog

That is the question. On the train home last night, I was counting stitches and realized I really effed up on armhole decreases when I translated the pattern for sweater number two, otherwise known as "Maggie" by Rowan (of course!)

Fixing this (unless I find more pattern translation mistakes) would involve frogging (ripping out, for my non-knitting friends) 5 rows. But I am actually contemplating ripping the whole thing out, and rewriting the WHOLE PATTERN so I can knit it completely in the round, as opposed to flat. I've discovered that my "knit" rows are way tighter than my "purl". It doesn't look so bad, but it bothers me....


Danielle said...

Heh, heh. You know what my answer would be.

Bostonworkerbee said...

yeah -I was afraid of that!

Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

Oh my, frogging the whole thing would be a job I wouldn't want to contemplate. Five rows is not too bad, but not the whole thing. If you decide to start over ... just start over fresh with another ball of yarn.