Wednesday, December 26, 2007

branching out

I have yet to assemble my Aimee Sweater, my secret xmas project I can't blog about, OR my Sweater Number Two.

And yet, I'm having crewel thoughts

I've always liked how visually bold and expressive this kind of embroidery can be. Does anyone have other "cool" sources for iron-on patterns/kits? The crewel community doesn't seem to be quite as organized as the knitting community. Online embroidery pattern searches yield a lot of stuff that is (I hope I'm not offending anyone here) very cutesy and old ladyish.

I suppose I could design my own...

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Wishing you a wonderful christmas and a happy new year!

The Friendship, Derby Wharf, Salem, MA

Sunday, December 23, 2007


At the moment I am:

1. blogging
2. making lasagna
3. doing 3 loads laundry
4. thinking about finishing my xmas wrapping
5. "supervising" DH, who has started re-painting our bedroom and bathroom
6. admiring my updated ravelry page. check out the projects and stash sections. I added some photos.
7. drinking a beer.

DANG! I forgot to take a "before" photo. Our bedroom has had purple barney walls and magenta wainscotting. from the previous owners. Throw in some velvet and you've got yourself Prince's "Purple Rain".

I'll be back!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

holiday greetings!

I've been a lazy blogger lately. Bear with me! There's been a lot to do at work and at home, and I've had a few secret projects I've been working on for DH and others that I can't blog about yet.

I won't be able to make it to SnB this week. Lots of work, sadly. Have fun ladies!

I hope to get more up on my blog this weekend, and I'm looking forward to organizing a post-holiday knit-a-long with Rhonda, my kid silk haze enabler!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Farewell Emmy.

My friend, The Rev lost a very dear four-legged friend this week. I'm thinking about you! I tried to send you an email, but I got some weird error message, so I thought I'd send you a message via blog instead.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

hih, hih, hih!

That's the sound of me hyperventilating. I just went online to Knitty, an online knitting mag that for some insane reason I don't really read that much, and I saw ICE QUEEN.

I must make it.

It would be the perfect pattern to learn how to do beads on a lace pattern. Maybe I should try this before attempting Butterfly? Eh?

Monday, December 03, 2007

oof !

There's hardly been any time for blogging!

This weekend I had to take patches to the vet (annual checkup, and NO she's still not speaking to me!), then caught a movie with DH (Dan in Real Life). In between, lots of errands and chores. On Sunday, I joined a few new friends in Salem for the annual Christmas in Salem walking tour of historic homes. Some very fancy places out there. I got a few decorating tips.... monogrammed silver goblets, for instance! They go with everything!! ;-)

On the train I've been working on a knitting project I can't blog about at the moment as it will ruin someone's christmas if I do!

I've also embarked upon a top secret xmas project for DH.

This HARDLY leaves time for working on my ravelry page, now does it!

Monday, November 26, 2007

what a busy weekend!

My Ravelry invite finally arrived. I have a lot of work to do to get my page together, but if you are on ravelry, check me out: bostonworkerbee

For those of you who aren't familiar, Ravelry is a new website for knitters/crocheters/fiberists. It allows users to create an online notebook with details and photos of their projects, yarn stashes, patterns, you name it. That is just the tip of the iceberg. There are a lot of really cool "sharing" features. If you need pattern ideas for a certain type of yarn, for instance, you can search the websites of other ravelry users for ideas. It would take a long time to explain all the endless ways to use it, so I'll stop here. Ravelry is in the Beta testing phase, but eventually, everyone will be able to sign in and use it!

I finished the back section of Sweater number two. But the instructions for the shoulder shaping decreases were really difficult to understand (its supposed to be an easy pattern!!). I'm pretty sure I screwed it up, as the shoulder shaping on my finished piece doesn't resemble anything like a shoulder shaping.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The long wait is nearly over

I've been checking the ravelry waiting list checker for days now, and my long wait is almost over:

You signed up on November 1, 2007
You are #51757 on the list.
1885 people are ahead of you in line.
8252 people are behind you in line.
83% of the list has been invited so far

I think in 2-3 days I should have my invite. Yahoo!

Over the Thanksgiving break I will be:

Home improving
working on a secret-knitting-project-I-can't blog-about yet-lest-I-ruin-the-surprise
working on sweater number two

Oh, by the way, I finished frogging those effing rows I messed up. I think I managed to eff up the frogging as well, because I was off by two stitches at the end. But you know what? It all works out in the end.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Close encounters....

... of the CAT kind!

This weekend, DH and I had a lovely new storm door installed. It was not cheap, but we think it is going to save us big $$ on our heating bill. The front door is old and very pretty, but lets a big draft in. We're also putting in new "sweeps" along the bottom. Hermetically sealed is the effect we're going for.

I was showing DH the features of the new door, when out of nowhere that rough looking orange tabby came running up the steps and nearly squeaked in. Patches happened to be loitering nearby, and they locked eyes.

Let's run that photo again, so folks can get a better look.

Whoaaaa! I guess Monsieur L'Orange isn't quite ready for his close-up. Simmer down, buddy.

Here's a peek at sweater number two not-fully-frogged. I frogged one row, and have five more to go, which I think I'll tackle tonite after dinner:

Friday, November 09, 2007

To frog or not to frog

That is the question. On the train home last night, I was counting stitches and realized I really effed up on armhole decreases when I translated the pattern for sweater number two, otherwise known as "Maggie" by Rowan (of course!)

Fixing this (unless I find more pattern translation mistakes) would involve frogging (ripping out, for my non-knitting friends) 5 rows. But I am actually contemplating ripping the whole thing out, and rewriting the WHOLE PATTERN so I can knit it completely in the round, as opposed to flat. I've discovered that my "knit" rows are way tighter than my "purl". It doesn't look so bad, but it bothers me....

Monday, November 05, 2007

The wee one

A special blog posting to my friend Lady S, who today became the proud mom of a baby girl! Congrats!

I doubt that she will be reading this anytime soon, but DH and I send our good thoughts and best wishes nonetheless!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

I went and did it

I finally caved and signed up for the mysterious Ravelry

Here's my vitals:
You are #51757 on the list.
13061 people are ahead of you in line.
0 people are behind you in line.
68% of the list has been invited so far

When my invite comes, first order of business will be infiltrating the grey-tabby-loving-kid-silk-haze-worshipping community. Sometimes known as GTLKSHW

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Vacation photos

If any one is interested in checking out my photos of Rome, Perugia, and Assisi, look no further!

An update on sweater number two will be forthcoming later today.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

What's the buzz ?

I'm baaaaacccckkkk!

Man I'm tired! italy was terrific. I woudln't describe it as a relaxing vacation. Daily hikes of 12+ kilometres (uphill) is tiring. We saw so many beautiful things and ate so much great food. I'm hoping to post some photos online this weekend, so stay tuned.

I got some serious knitting done too. I'm almost half way done with the back section of my latest Rowan sweater project (kid silk haze!) that I started right before I left.

DH and I came to some realizations on this trip... mainly that we are getting too old and too soft to stay in really dive-y accommodations (like our hotel in Rome). We need things like a soft comfy bed, a hot shower, and clean clothes. We were away long enough to really appreciate the luxuries we have at home. Such as a soft bed, a hot shower, and laundry machine. Oh, and Patches!

Speaking of... How did she take us being gone? Pretty well. Gramma and Grampa (Mamabee and BabboBee) came over to hang out with her. Additionally there was the pet sitter, and another friend who stopped by to socialize. I think she didn't even notice we were gone! There's a saying that dogs have owners, and cats have staff. This is particularly true of Patches. Gramma reported that there was at least one toiletpaper attack, but sorry, no photo.

I'm trying to adjust back into work. Lots of work piled up. Stay tuned for vacation photos.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Benvenuti di Roma!

Ciao amici!

Boston worker bee is bloggin to you live from Rome! DH and I got here this afternoon, starving and tuckered. We're not quite up to speed yet, meal/time wise, but we're planning on getting into that tomorrow.

The weather here is terrific. Its cloudy and looks like it may rain, but warm enough to wear sandals and skirts. I got quite a bit done on sweater number two. I wish I could upload a photo. I managed to get thru security at Logan and Frankfurt without getting my knitting needles taken away. Hurrah!

Tonite we going to wander around and stay awake as long as we can. Tomorrow is a big day of eating and soaking in the atmosphere!

Friday, October 05, 2007

Can I just say?

I LOVE kid silk haze.

I haven't started blocking the first sweater yet, but in the meantime thought I'd get things up and running with sweater number 2

The difference between Douceur et Soie and kid silk haze is pretty noticeable. KSH seems to be considerably more springy and fluffy, without being scratchy. Already it seems to be holding its shape better and I think will block very nicely.

Here's a sneak peak

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Vacation count down is on

If I'm blogging at work, that means the Vacation Count Down is ON!!

I just took down my vacation web-poll. Hey, you had plenty of time to vote! The results were as follows:

Total votes: 25

Where should Worker Bee go on vacation in October 2007?

China 12%
Japan 0%
India 24%
Greece/Turkey 36%
Sicily 28%

I'm surprised not a single person voted for Japan. Where's the love? Didn't anyone see Lost in Translation? I'll get there one day....

I'm embarrassed to report we are not going to any of the above destinations. And after all that voting! Very considerate of us, I know! On Monday, DH and I are flying out to Rome! For two weeks! Hooray! Our travels will include a week in Assisi, Umbria, and hopefully some day-trips to other Umbrian towns nearby and Napoli, south of Rome. I look forward to reporting back. The MamaBee and BabboBee will be checking in on Patches while we're away.

On a completely different note... do you want to see something really cool? do ya? My co-worker sent me a link to this really interesting and creative knitter's site. Damn, wish I'd thought of that!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Do you ever feel like you're being watched?

This weekend, I was sitting on my bed, in a Hopper-esque manner, contemplating my plan for the day, when I got this uncanny feeling someone was watching me.

Then, staring out my window at my neighbor's house you know, the one whose hideous boyfriend revs his harley motorcyle every morning at 4:30AM , and locked eyes with this:

You probably notice that he/she looks like a mini Patches. Dammit. Stop haunting my dreams, kitten.

Lady S swung by for a visit. What a nice day we had! Oh, and just as she was pulling into my driveway, I.... ummmm... finished the LAST SLEEVE. I KNOW! I can't believe it either. This week, I'll be buying a blocking board so we can get this puppy put together. Here's all ze parts:

Patches has pretty much taken over the command center. Notice the permanent cat-dent she's made on the upper right part of the back cushion?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

a little advice

when you are teaching yourself how to knit socks, don't make the mistake of thinking that a baby bootie would be easy, because hey, it's so small, it'll knit up fast! And then you discover that knitting something tiny in the round with double-pointed needles is like, virtually impossible with your Andre the Giant fingers.

And then, you get half the bootie done, and discover that suddenly your knit stitches are showing up as purl, because somehow you've twisted the bootie the wrong way. Because while you were trying to figure out the F***ing pattern, you were transported into an alternate reality that also turned your knitting inside out. Which wasn't a problem before, but now it is.

And then your half-a-bootie is so sad that even the cat won't give it the time of day.


But you know, I don't give up easily. I'll be back.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Her shredding technique is unstoppable

Her ...filing technique leaves a bit to be desired, but when it comes to shredding, you know who to call:

Sunday, August 26, 2007

There goes the neighborhood

A few weekends ago, I was sitting in my living room, minding my own business and I hear the sounds of horses going clip-clop. That can only mean trouble. We've had a LOT of problems with rough gangs of historical re-enacters harrassing the elderly, etc. They get loaded on their sassafrass beer, and roam the streets. It's ghastly. So, I look out my living room window to see this:

Hayrides? Didn't I tell you the world is gone to hell in a hand basket. Well, don't say I didn't warn you.

Idleness also leads to trouble, so MamaBee and I rolled up our sleeves, and made this summer's batch of peach jam.

This weekend, I went up to NH for a friends wedding. The wedding was terrific and I had a great time reconnecting with old friends and swimming in Laurel Lake. I was sad to leave you! I wish I was jumping off the dock right NOW. Safe travels to you all, and I hope we see each other again soon.

A little nonsensical P.S. for a few summercamp friends spotted this weekend who may be lurking:

Howdy Lady S, and The Rev! Hey... that sounds like something out of Smokey and the Bandit. I'll listen for you on the CB, lil' buddies.

and [welcome back] "Mz. Cotter" (pronounced Mizzzzz Caahhhht-TAIR), also occasionally called Jenn. For god's sake, stop lurking and leave a comment, woman!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Speaking of DH....

The guy never ceases to amaze me. He just alerted me to the fact that the Harvard Wellness Center will be offering the following new course to staff, students, etc.:

Wednesdays 5:30-6:30pm
CWHC Resource Room, 75 Mt. Auburn Street, 2E, HUHS
Oct 3 - Oct 24

Who knew? I wonder if knitting also counts as exercise!

The course isn't yet posted on the University Health Services website, but I'll keep an eye out and post a link when it is, just in case we have any potential Harvard knitters lurking that need encouragement.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

How many times has your DH told you this?

This week's New Yorker has something we knitters can relate to:

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

chewin' the fat

I got my latest issue of Interweave Knits, but I have to say I'm a little disappointed. Not many of the patterns jumped out at me. Although, I did really like these two projects:

I have enough on my plate for the time being. I worked on my last sleeve some more last night, while DH read aloud to me from a book of short stories. I'm hoping I can get the sleeve done by the end of August, so that I can get it blocked and sewn togather, and move onto my next project.

Friday, July 27, 2007

The way Friday nights are supposed to be

Tonight I took the Salem Ferry home from work with a co-worker. It leaves from the dock right next the aquarium. While we waited, we took a gander at these beauties, which is one of my favorite things to do when I'm around that neck of the woods. I really want two or three of these for myself. Of course their faces and plump bellies reminded me instantly of Patches.

Lo and behold, when we got to Salem, I gave my co-worker a tour of our place, and she noted how much Patches looks like a seal.

Now that's what I call a win-win.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Here's what she's been doing

A few of you have inquired as to how Patches is handling the move.

Well, basically, she's become completely feral life is good. There's an abundance of stairs and carpeting, and she has claimed the third floor as her private lair. I mean it... Don't go up there!!

I thought I'd post a few photos of me place, matey:

This used to be an oven once upon a time! It's called a beehive oven. It now contains a litter box, and recycling. How glamorous.

This is how we get in and out.

This is where I over cook the %$#@! chicken. #@!$!

It's like Disneyland, every night at 9PM, a fireworks display goes off. Actually, this is July 4th. But you can see it from our place!!

Gathering strength for nocturnal activities.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Knitters are nice.

They're really friendly people. Last night I stopped by SSFY for community knitting and had a very nice time. I hope to be back again next Thursday night. They have a rather nice selection of Rowan yarns, including kid silk haze. I couldn't resist picking up the latest issue of Rowan Magazine.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Yarn kitsch, and other good things

My friend Betty Crocker sent me this funny link. Check this out. I laughed my head off. Mama Bee still has some old knitting magazines with some crazy patterns like those featured here. I think I saw one that had a pattern for a crocheted lampshade, and matching vest.

I'm opting out of SnB again today, this time to trot over to the Kendall Square farmer's market. If they have some decently priced basil, I may try making some homemade pesto this weekend.

Tonite, after work, I'm heading over to Community Knitting at SSFY. Keep an eye out for me Rhonda!

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Uh. Muh. Gawd.

I'm really tired. Salem is AWESOME!!!

Our closing went well, and DH and I officially own our place. Which we LOVE.

I'm blogging from the local library, because our place is in such a state of chaos, I don't dare describe it. No phone, no email. Patches thrives on chaos, however. She has a lot more room to roam around.

Long story, short: movers didn't finish unloading until 11PM. Most of heavy furniture cannot fit up our staircase to the 2nd and 3rd floors, so we have some problem solving ahead.

Must. rest.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Movin' on Up!

Home selling and home buying can make the most reasonable, rational person completely superstitious. Which is why I haven't said much about my moving plans. But I think I can finally tell you that DH and I will be moving TOMORROW to our new home. We're closing AND moving tomorrow, so please send us your good thoughts for things to go smoothly.

The best part? I'll be living about a TEN MINUTE WALK from Rhonda's favorite yarn shop!

Is Salem ready for this 50% left-brained, 50% right-brained, blue-aura'd, cat-lovin' fool? Just look what I did to Quincy:

Oh wait, sorry, that's DH at closing. HA!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Busy weekend

Didn't this used to be a knitting blog?

Why yes! For the first time in a while, I found the where-with-all to work on my sweater. According to previous posts, I'm on the second sleeve. Quite frankly, it has been so long now, I can't remember! Here's a pic:

I don't want to say too much just yet, but DH and I have made considerable progress on our housing thing. There's still some paperwork to wrap up, but we've begun packing and are getting ready to close on our condo and move to our new home! Mama-Bee and Babbo-Bee came down to help us get rid of an old kitchen cabinet, while DH waited around for the glass repairman. Oh, yeah, some punk smashed our windshield early last Sunday morning.

Mom entertained Patches... or was it the other way around?

Wait, is that our Tabby, or a harbor seal??

Friday, June 15, 2007

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday people.

I hope everyone has a mighty fine day.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Look at how bad I am

My kindly caretaker just spent an hour mopping the entire apartment, to cleanse it of the tumbleweeds of grey and white fur I have shed everywhere. But do I care? No.

I was asked nicely to remove myself from the kitchen table, but I chose not to respond. Because that's just the way I roll. It's friggin' hot.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

... and guess what else?

You Are 50% Left Brained, 50% Right Brained

The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning.
Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others.
If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic.
Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet.

The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility.
Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way.
If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art.
Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports.

Overworked Overstressed Thursdays

I can't make it to SnB today, so I thought I would do some virtual knitting, and did this mini quiz on Rhonda's site . Incidentally, her aura is indeed yellow. She's a lovely cheerful person. Check it out...

I doubt that many people would describe me as spiritual or calm, but the facts don't lie people. YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT???!! And clearly I'm more at one with my serenity lately than The Striped One.

Your Aura is Blue

Spiritual and calm, you tend to live a quiet but enriching life.
You are very giving of yourself. And it's hard for you to let go of relationships.

The purpose of your life: showing love to other people

Famous blues include: Angelina Jolie, the Dali Lama, Oprah

Careers for you to try: Psychic, Peace Corps Volunteer, Counselor

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Flat out

Hi folks, sorry for the long break in between blog entries, but I've been flat out. DH and I are trying to get the housing side of our life organized, and it is pretty tiring!

I hope to be back blogging again soon!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Hot Damn

DH and I are in the midst of a housing transition (which may explain why my posting seem to be getting a little later and later). I won't go into detail, but just to say that in a few months we might finally be ready to buy a new place of our own.

I've been looking at houses/condos online, and saw a nice house, but it has an inground swimming pool. I'm crazy about swimming and water, but not crazy about the upkeep or environmental impact of a chlorine pool.

Sooo... I started poking around online at what it would cost to excavate/fill in a pool, and stumbled across this. Babbo-bee & Mama-bee made a fish-pond in their backyard (hey remember, Dad, I helped dig the hole!). Wonder if I could recreuit them to help with a project on this scale. Heh!

I loved the "vegi-filter" this guy made. How crazy is that! Imagine if I had this house, and that garden. Sweet.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Thanks, Pal!

I'd like to say thanks to both of my pen-pals: one hails from the mid-atlantic states and the other from Finland. Both these knitters sent me absolutely lovely letters....

Finland included a mini-sock she knitted on size 0 needles - holy smokes! I haven't yet tried to knit socks.

I plan on sending both my pen-pals another letter, but there's going to some delay as I have some pressing business on the home front, and a two-day conference up in Maine this week. Guess that means I also won't be at SnB this week!

A special hello to some friends I've been thinking about... hey Mommy Dearest! Hey Betty Crocker! Lady S and the Rev, I'm looking forward to seeing you guys in a few weeks! Hope you are all enjoying spring!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Greetings from Our Nation's Capitol

While you guys were getting socked with a Nor'easter here in Boston, down in DC we were ALSO getting socked. DH and I can't get a break from this weather, even when we are on vacation. Poor guy takes it pretty personal. He had hoped we would be getting temps in the 60's, but that SO didn't happen.

But we did have a nice time. We stayed in some nice hotels. His great aunt did some italian cooking for us, which was OUTSTANDING.

As it was raining sideways and gusting in the other direction, we spent most of our time indoors at the museums. I took some video, but quite frankly, I've just about given up on getting google video to work in a timely fashion. I want my life back!Sniff!

art school humor

flowers at the national gallery

beautiful statue at the National Gallery, ^%$#! blurry photo!

Carousel on the Mall

WWII Army/Air Force Paraphenlia from the Air & Space Museum